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Fig. 3. General motor activity or anxiety-like behavior was not different among genotypes. (A, B) Arhgef4 knockout did not change the path distance (Arhgef4+/+: 4,673 cm±245.6 cm, N=12; Arhgef4+/-: 5,171 cm±292.1 cm, N=11; Arhgef4-/-: 4,543 cm±257.4 cm, N=12, one-way ANOVA: F2,32=1.558, p=0.2261, NS: not significant) and speed of movement (Arhgef4+/+: 5.19 cm/sec±0.27 cm/sec, N=12; Arhgef4+/-: 5.75 cm/sec±0.32 cm/sec, N=11; Arhgef4-/-: 5.04 cm/sec±0.29 cm/sec, N=12, one-way ANOVA: F2,32=1.556, p=0.2264¸ NS: not significant) in the total area. (C, D) Arhgef4 knockout did not change the entry number to the central area (Arhgef4+/+: 75.58±5.24, N=12; Arhgef4+/-: 90.00±7.76, N=11; Arhgef4-/-: 82.17±8.17, N=12, one-way ANOVA: F2,32=1.003, p=0.3781¸ NS: not significant) and the time spent in the central area (Arhgef4+/+: 158.9 sec±21.06 sec, N=12; Arhgef4+/-: 167.0 sec±24.38 sec, N=11; Arhgef4-/-: 153.7 sec±21.24 sec, N=12, one-way ANOVA: F2,32=0.0902, p=0.9140¸ NS: not significant). (E) Arhgef4 knockout did not change the percent of entry into open arms (Arhgef4+/+: 44.80%±5.11%, N=12; Arhgef4+/-: 41.81%±2.26%, N=11; Arhgef4-/-: 37.11%±3.57%, N=12, one-way ANOVA: F2,32=1.010, p=0.3754, NS: not significant). (F) Arhgef4 knockout did not change the percent of time spent in open arms (Arhgef4+/+: 36.69%±4.36%, N=12; Arhgef4+/-: 33.01%±3.69%, N=11; Arhgef4-/-: 27.88%±3.25%, N=12, one-way ANOVA: F2,32=0.8914, p=0.420, NS: not significant). (G) Arhgef4 knockout did not change the duration time on the rod before mice fall off (Arhgef4+/+: 245.4 sec±70.42 sec, N=12; Arhgef4+/-: 172.5 sec±33.46 sec, N=11; Arhgef4-/-: 344.4 sec±62.28 sec, N=12, one-way ANOVA: F2,32=2.132, p=0.1352, NS: not significant). (H) Arhgef4 knockout did not change the mean rpm when mice fall off (Arhgef4+/+: 32.97 rpm±2.22 rpm, N=12; Arhgef4+/-: 34.33 rpm±1.42 rpm, N=11; Arhgef4-/-: 37.31 rpm±1.14 rpm, N=12, Kruskal-Wallis test: p=0.1546, NS: not significant).
Exp Neurobiol 2020;29:334~343
© Exp Neurobiol