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Fig. 6. Kv3.4 is expressed in type 2 cochlear afferent nerve fibers. Scale bar: 10 μm. (A) SGNs immunolabeled with anti-Kv3.4 and anti-NKA (n=6 cochlear preparations from 3 rats). Kv3.4 signal (white arrow) is not found in most NKA-positive neurons (weak Kv3.4 signal in only 2 out of 424 NKA-positive neurons). (B) SGNs immunolabeled with anti-Kv3.4 and anti-peripherin (n=5 cochlear preparations from 4 rats). Kv3.4 signal is found in peripherin-positive neurons (yellow arrow; 97.7%, 84 out of 86 peripherin-positive neurons). (C) Kv3.4-positive spiral fibers near OHCs (n=3 cochlear preparations from 3 rats). Kv3.4 signal largely overlaps with peripherin signal. The relative anatomical regions corresponding to panel A~C are described in the diagram.
Exp Neurobiol 2020;29:344~355
© Exp Neurobiol