Fig. 2. Discriminative but converged responses of S1 individual neurons to different vibrotactile stimuli. (A) Representative patterns of Ca2+ activities to static and dynamic stimuli from five neurons. Each stimulus was applied in six trials for 5 s each and marked by vertical lines (purple, static; cyan, dynamic). Purple or cyan traces on the right side of each trace show averaged Ca2+ activity for six trials. The uppermost neuron of the five neurons is a broadly tuned neuron, and the four others below are vibration discriminative neurons. (B) Scatter plots of preference index (PI) of individual neurons for static versus dynamic stimuli (n=126 cells from 5 mice). (C) The proportions of static discriminative, dynamic discriminative and broadly tuned neurons (static-discriminative, 10.87±3.85%; dynamic-discriminative, 59.33±14.52%; broadly-tuned, 29.78±12.45%). (D) The discriminative neurons on the (C) are divided into preferred (47.66±5.90%) and specific neurons (21.91±9.91%). Data are represented as mean±s.e.m. Statistics was performed with one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.
© Exp Neurobiol