Fig. 4. Multiplexed processing of vibrotactile frequency in the S1 cortex. When the stimuli of different vibrotactile frequencies that excite different types of mechanoreceptors are applied, a few S1 neurons show selective responses to different frequencies. However, a large fraction of the S1 neurons respond to various frequencies, and some of them exhibit equally tuned responses to different frequencies. The rest of the neurons show mixed responses with a weighted preference to a specific type of stimulus. Although the inputs driven by excitations of different afferent classes are multiplexed on the individual neurons in S1, the difference could be discriminated as population activity patterns composed of the preferred neurons and a small portion of specific neurons. Neurons marked with dotted lines represent specific neurons that do not fire when a static (or dynamic) stimulus is given, but only fire when a dynamic (or static) stimulus is given.
© Exp Neurobiol