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Fig. 7. Corti.Pups exert anxiolytic behaviors with attention deficit in MWM test. (A) Different annulus time between two groups. In the first test, the first annulus time to visit the hidden platform was significantly shorter in Corti.Pups than Nor.Pups. (B) The difference of annulus visit numbers. Corti.Pups more frequently visited the hidden platform than Nor.Pups. (C, D) The differences of spent time and travel distance in the target quadrant. In this analysis, Corti.Pups stayed longer in the target quadrant, demonstrating hyperactive and anxiolytic movements to explore the water maze. (E) The difference of escapes time taken since the first annulus visit. Corti.Pups showed significantly longer escape time despite the first annulus time was significantly shorter, indicating the possibility of attention deficit. Data indicate the meanĀ±S.E. *p<0.05, **p<0.01.
Exp Neurobiol 2021;30:87~100
© Exp Neurobiol