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Fig. 2. Total cell number and subpopulation of thymocytes after tMCAO. (A) Representative thymus size and morphology at one and two weeks. (B) Total thymocyte numbers were counted. (C) CD4 and CD8 thymocytes were analyzed using flow cytometry. Numbers marked in red in the FACS data represent values that differ from those of sham-operated mice. (D) Absolute thymocyte numbers for each subpopulation were counted. Numbers of mice were (n=sham/tMCAO): 1 d (n=6/8), 1 w (n=9/9), 2 w (n=10/13), 2 m (n=14/16), and 6 m (n=9/26). *p≤0.05, **p≤0.01, and ***p≤0.001. CD8+ SP (CD4-CD8+ single-positive), DP (CD4+CD8+ double-positive), DN (CD4-CD8- double-negative), CD4+ SP (CD4+CD8- single-positive).
Exp Neurobiol 2021;30:155~169
© Exp Neurobiol