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Fig. 3. Adult human ependymal and fetal SVZ tissue and has the same cell composition of CN. (a) Neurogenic radial glia-like cells (GFAP-delta+) and daughter neuroblasts (PSA-NCAM+) have small population, whereas intermediate progenitor-like cells (GFAP-delta+/PSA-NCAM+) have large portion in normal subependymal tissue. (b) Neurogenic RGC-like GFAP-delta+ cell divided asymmetrically to self-renew and to produce GFAP-delta+/PSA-NCAM+ cell in normal subependymal tissue. (c) TAP-like GFAP-delta+/PSA-NCAM+ cells have large portion in subependymal tissue. (d) Representative image for GFAP-delta and Tuj1 on human fetal SVZ tissue. (e, f) There is no GFAP-delta+/Tuj1+ cells GFAP-delta+ cells near SVZ on human fetal SVZ tissue. Scale bar, 100 µm (a, d) 50 µm (b, e). One enpendymal tissue (N=1) and fetal SVZ (N=1) were used for the experiments.
Exp Neurobiol 2021;30:120~143
© Exp Neurobiol