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Fig. 7. Analysis of differential gene expression shows TAP- and RGC-like characteristics of CN spheroids from aggressive form of CN and their upregulation of cancer stem cell genes. (a) Schematic showing overlap of genes in each category that are upregulated in SVZ-NSCs, CN-spheroids, and CN-differentiated cells. (b) Genes that are upregulated in CN-spheroids as compared to both SVZ-NSCs and CN- differentiated cells. Orange: Upregulated genes in CN-Spheroids vs SVZ-NSCs. Yellow: Upregulated genes in CN-Spheroids vs CN-differentiated cells. (c) Genes that are upregulated in CN-spheroids or SVZ-NSCs in comparison with CN-differentiated cells. Green: Upregulated genes in CN-Spheroids vs CN-differentiated cells. Light green: Upregulated genes in SVZ-NSCs vs CN-differentiated cells. (d) Genes that are upregulated in CN-spheroids or CN-differentiated cells in comparison with SVZ-NSCs. Orange: Upregulated genes in CN-Spheroids vs SVZ-NSCs. Peach: Upregulated genes in CN-differentiated cells vs SVZ-NSCs. (e) Dramatically upregulated genes in both CN-Spheroids and SVZ-NSCs vs CN-differentiated cells. One sample of CN-spheroids (N=1), CN-differentiated cells (N=1), and SVZ-NSCs (N=1) respectively analyzed.
Exp Neurobiol 2021;30:120~143
© Exp Neurobiol