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Fig. 8. Analysis of downregulated genes in CN-spheroids in comparison with CN-differentiated cells (DCs) and SVZ-NSCs to detect genes associated with tumorigenesis and neurogenesis. (a) Genes that are downregulated in CN-spheroids as compared both SVZ-NSCs and CN-DCs. Purple: Downregulated genes in CN-spheroids vs SVZ-NSCs. Light purple: Downregulated genes in CN-Spheroids vs CN- DCs. (b) Genes that are upregulated in CN-spheroids or SVZ-NSCs in comparison with CN-DCs. Blue: Downregulated genes in CN-spheroids vs CN-DCs. Light blue: Downregulated genes in SVZ-NSCs vs CN-DCs. (c) Genes that are downregulated in CN-spheroids or CN-DCs in comparison with SVZ-NSCs. Orange: Downregulated genes in CN-spheroids vs SVZ-NSCs. Light Orange: Upregulated genes in CN-DCs vs SVZ-NSCs. One sample of CN-tumor spheres (N=1), CN-DCs (N=1), and SVZ-NSCs (N=1) were respectively analyzed.
Exp Neurobiol 2021;30:120~143
© Exp Neurobiol