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Fig. 3. Upregulation of miR-20b attenuated ischemic brain injury in vivo. MiR-20b mimic, miR-20b inhibitor and negative controls were injected into the cerebral cortex of rats, and rats were then treated with MCAO/R. (A) The mRNA level of miR-20b in brain tissues of rats was evaluated by qRT-PCR. (B) Neurobehavioral scores. (C) The representative images of brains tissues and infarct volume. (D) The effect of miR-20b on brain edema after cerebral ischemia. (E) Immunohistochemical staining of cleaved caspase-3 positive cells in cortical neuron (×200 magnification, scale bar=100μm). (F) Quantitative analysis of immunohistochemical staining. *p<0.05, **p<0.01.
Exp Neurobiol 2021;30:170~182
© Exp Neurobiol