Neuropsychological testing scores of each participant

Word list test Control group mean±SD n=20 SN group mean±SD n=19 Total mean±SD n=39 t
GDS-KC 2.21±2.27 10.40±2.04 6.31±2.16 .890***
MMSE-KC 28.58±0.77 27.90±1.33 28.24±1.05 -.303
SMAST-G 0.47±1.43 1.25±1.65 0.86±1.54 .249
Memory_z 0.73±0.84 0.34±0.69 0.54±0.76 -.254
Recall_z 0.23±0.88 -0.42±0.72 -0.10±0.80 -.384*
Recognition_z 0.48±0.33 -0.54±0.86 -0.03±0.59 -.623***
Boston_z 0.61±0.62 0.49±0.91 0.55±0.76 -.075
Fluency_z 0.41±1.08 -0.27±0.80 0.07±0.94 -.343*

*p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001 by Significance of correlation (p≤0.05).

Data given in mean±standard deviation (SD).

SGDS-K: Korean version of short Geriatric Depression Scale.

MMSE-KC: Mini Mental Status Examination in the Korean version of the CERAD assessment packet.

SMAST-G: Short Brief Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test-Geriatric version.

Memory, Word list memory; Recall, Word list Recall; Recognition, Word list Recognition; BNT, Boston naming test; VF, Verbal fluency test; z, Z-score.

Exp Neurobiol 2021;30:183~202
© Exp Neurobiol