Fig. 4. The molecular changes in the TG at 24 h after dental pulp injury. (A~G) Real-time RT-PCR results showing relative fold changes of Tlr2 (unpaired Student t-test, **p=0.0027, A), Tlr1 (unpaired Student t-test, **p=0.0017, B), Tlr6 (unpaired Student t-test, *p=0.0237, C), Tlr4 (unpaired Student t-test, **p=0.0028, D), Tnf (one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test, *p=0.0269; Non-injured vs. Injured (WT): *p=0.0156; Non-injured vs. Injured (TLR2 KO): p>0.9999, ns, E), Il1b (one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test, **p=0.0027; Non-injured vs. Injured (WT): **p=0.0022; Non-injured vs. Injured (TLR2 KO): p>0.9999, ns, F), and Myd88 (one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test, *p=0.0140; Non-injured vs. Injured (WT): **p=0.0081; Non-injured vs. Injured (TLR2 KO): p>0.9999, ns, G) mRNA expression in injured TG relative to non-injured TG. n=5 to 6 WT mice and n=4 TLR2 KO mice. The data are expressed as the meanĀ±SEM. ns, not significant.
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