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Fig. 4. Chronic stress affected to the change of the intrinsic properties of POMC neurons. (A) Schematic diagram for whole cell patch-clamp. (B) Representative images of brain slices from POMC-eGFP mice indicate GFP-positive POMC neurons in the ARC region of hypothalamus. (C) The Cm of POMC neurons among groups have no difference. (D) The Rm of POMC neurons had no difference. (E) There was no difference in the RMP of POMC neurons. (F) Representative trace of the firing after the injection of 20 pA ramp current to detect threshold of AP in POMC neurons. (G) AP threshold was increased by chronic stress (*p=0.0363). All the data were from CON (23 neurons from 11 mice) and CRS (22 neurons from 11 mice).
Exp Neurobiol 2021;30:375~386
© Exp Neurobiol