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Fig. 4. Effects of thyroxine on EEG and ECG after chronic exogenous intraperitoneal injection in rats. (A) Representatives hypnograms of control, model and diazepam groups. (B) The effect of chronic thyroxine disorder on 24-hour sleep awakening patterns. (C) Effect of chronic thyroxine disorder on the percentage of power spectrum distribution. (D) Total EEG spectral density of each frequency band in REM period. (E) Total EEG spectral density of each frequency band in NREM period. (F) Recording 24-hour continuous wake duration (minutes) changes. (G) Recording 24-hour continuous REM duration (minutes) changes. (H) Recording 24-hour continuous NREM duration (minutes) changes. (I) Effect of chronic thyroxine on body temperature of experimental rats. (J) Recording 24-hour continuous PR changes. (K) Recording 24-hour continuous HR changes. (L) Recording 24-hour continuous RR changes. (M) 24-hour changes of LF/HF in heart rate variability. Data are represented as meansĀ±SEM, *p<0.05, **p<0.01 and ***p<0.001 were considered to indicate significant difference between Control and Model. #p<0.05, ##p<0.01, ###p<0.001 were considered to indicate significant difference between Diazepam and Model. W, Wake; A, Active Wake; P, Paradoxical sleep; S, Slow-Wave Sleep; REM, Rapid Eye Movement; NREM, Non-Rapid Eye Movement; HR, Heart Rate; PR, the P-R interval, from the beginning of P wave to the beginning of R wave in QRS complex in ECG; RR, the distance between R wave and R wave on ECG; LF, Low Frequency in heart rate variability; HF, High Frequency in heart rate variability.
Exp Neurobiol 2021;30:387~400
© Exp Neurobiol