Regions showing thickness-related functional connectivity differences between male patients with alcohol-dependence (ADPs) and male healthy controls (HCs) (voxel threshold : uncorr. p<0.001, cluster threshold : p-FDR<0.05)

Brain area MNI coordinates Cluster size Maximum t-value

x y z
Seed: postcentral gyrus (PoCG) -48 -12 31
Right postcentral gyrus (Rt. PoCG) 60 -4 32 17,647 19.12
Right inferior occipital gyrus (Rt. IOG) 54 -76 -2 223 4.59
Left middle occipital gyrus (Lt. MOG) -54 -76 2 186 4.81
Left lingual gyrus (Lt. LiG) -22 -52 -2 184 5.42
Right lingual gyrus (Lt. LiG) 22 -46 -2 153 4.69
Left fusiform gyrus (Lt. FuG) -38 -40 -22 154 5.99
Exp Neurobiol 2021;30:441~450
© Exp Neurobiol