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Fig. 1. Neuroanatomy from MR images. (A~C) Transverse, sagittal & coronal sections. Red arrows note location of orthogonal sections. Individual brain regions easily identified due to their encapsulation. Internal structure in optic lobes and filamentous optic nerves extending from the optic bulbs to the retinas are apparent. Abbreviations for brain structures: v_ll, vertical lobe lateral left; v_l, vertical lobe mediolateral left; v-mid, vertical lobe medial; v_r, vertical lobe mediolateral right ; v-rr, vertical lobe lateral right; subV, sub vertical lobe; frS, superior frontal lobe; frI, inferior frontal lobe; subFr, subfrontal lobe; bucS, superior buccal lobe; bucP, posterior buccal lobe; ba,anterior basal lobe; bd, dorsal basal lobe; ped-r, peduncle lobe right; n.opt-R, optic nerves right; Opt-R, optic lobe right; gOpt-R, optic gland right; Opt_tr, optic tract; gOpt-L, optic gland left; Opt-L, optic lobe left; n.opt-L, optic nerves left; ped-L, peduncle left; pv, pallioviseral lobe; pe, pedal lobe; br, brachial lobe.
Exp Neurobiol 2022;31:17~28
© Exp Neurobiol