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Fig. 5. Interleukin-13 has no effects on BBB damage and neurotoxicity in rat striatum in vivo. (A~C) Animals unilaterally received intrastriatal injection of PBS as a control (A) or IL-13 (B, 50 ng) or IL-13 (C, 300 ng). 3 days later, FITC-labeled albumin was administered to detect focal leakage of the BBB. (D) Quantification of BBB leakage density. Three to four animals were used for each experimental group. The results represent mean±SEM. Scale bars, (A~C) 500 µm. (E~H) Animals unilaterally received intrastriatal injection of PBS as a control (E) or IL-13 (F, 50 ng), IL-13 (G, 300 ng). 7 days later, striatal tissues were selected and processed for immunostaining with neuronal nuclei (NeuN) and Nissl staining (E~G). Arrowheads indicate NeuN+ cells merged with Nissl+ cells (NeuN+/Nissl+). (H) Number of NeuN+/Nissl+ cells in the striatum at 7 days after injection. Three animals were used for each experimental group. The results represent mean±SEM. Scale bar, (A~C) 500 µm; (E~G) 25 µm.
Exp Neurobiol 2022;31:42~53
© Exp Neurobiol