The demographic and clinical characteristics of the study participants

Total (n=87) SA (n=50) NS (n=37) p-value
Age, years 32.00 (11.17) 31.60  (10.88) 32.54 (11.69) 0.704
Sex (female/male) 45/42 28/22 17/20 0.353
Education (years) 13.65 (2.45) 13.32 (2.49) 13.89 (2.38) 0.281
Clinical scales
HDRS-17 score 14.09 (5.66) 14.94 (5.71) 12.95 (5.45) 0.102
SSI 17.72 (9.03) 21.30 (8.47) 12.89 (7.46) <0.001***
BIS 54.77 (10.53) 55.66 (9.93) 53.57 (11.32) 0.373
BIS_attention 15.86 (3.32) 16.20 (2.96) 15.41 (3.76) 0.291
BIS_motor 16.61 (4.54) 17.02 (4.32) 16.05 (4.83) 0.338
BIS_non_planning 22.30 (4.17) 22.44 (4.08) 22.11 (4.33) 0.718

Standard deviation is given in parentheses. SA, MDD patients with a history of suicide attempt(s); NA, MDD patient without previous suicide attempt; HDRS, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale; SSI, Scale for Suicide Ideation; BIS, Barrett Impulsiveness Scale.

Exp Neurobiol 2022;31:97~104
© Exp Neurobiol