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Fig. 4. DRR and MR recordings in the lumbar spinal cord. MR and DRR control recordings in L5 ventral and L4 dorsal roots, respectively (indicated by arrows, upper and lower traces in (A) aCSF control, (B) aCSF with bicuculline (10~20 µM). C and D illustrate MR and DRR in the presence of bicuculline plus AP5 (100 µM). MR depression began 2~4 min after applying AP5. Note that most of the MR was almost fully eliminated, but DR action potentials still appeared (C, D), lower traces. (E) Dorsal and ventral root reflexes recovered after drug washout. (F) VR and DR recording under low Ca2+, the ventral and dorsal roots reflexes were eliminated, but spiking persisted (indicated by arrows).
Exp Neurobiol 2022;31:89~96
© Exp Neurobiol