Values of K+ current in CA1-PCs1

Vmem (mV) no PP-LFS (pA) pPP-LFS (pA) +SCH23390 (pA) +Sulpiride (pA) Comparison between conditions (for voltage)
-30 187.3±46.1 267.9±49.3 303.9±53.3 218.0±53.3 F(3, 23)=1.076 p=0.379
-20 321.2±66.9 441.8±71.5 549.8±77.2 427.7±77.2 F(3, 23)=1.691 p=0.197
-10 571.4±89.8 717.3±95.9 932.3±103.7 733.7±103.7 F(3, 23)=2.313 p=0.103
0 1,015.9±111.2 1,077.9±118.9 1,455.0±128.5 1,124.3±128.5 F(3, 23)=2.498 p=0.085
+10 1,644.1±132.9 1,549.1±142.1 2,153.3±153.5 1,600.0±153.5 F(3, 23)=3.450 p=0.033
+20 2,358.7±169.7 2,026.0±181.4 2,921.7±195.9 2,108.3±195.9 F(3, 23)=4.407 p=0.014
+30 3,199.2±214.2 2,562.2±229.0 3,716.7±247.3 2,643.3±247.3 F(3, 23)=4.982 p=0.008
+40 3,944.9±255.1 3,116.8±272.6 4,541.6±294.4 3,203.3±294.4 F(3, 23)=5.503 p=0.005
+50 4,766.1±302.7 3,626.6±323.7 5,371.7±349.6 3,763.3±349.6 F(3, 23)=6.067 p=0.003
Comparison between Vmem value Control: F(8,16)=33.651 p<0.001 pPP-LFS: F(8,16)=16.789 p<0.001 SCH23390: F(8,16)=30.335 p<0.001 Sulpiride: F(8,16)=16.528 p<0.001


Cond (control, PP-LFS, SCH23390, Sulpride): F(3, 23)=4.413, p=0.014.

voltage (from -30 mV to +50 mV): F(8,184)=584.902, p<0.001.

Cond×voltage: F(24,184)=6.123, p<0.001.

1Caution: Because blockade of Ca2+ and Na+ channels are required to measure K+ currents, repetitive measure of K+ current before and after the PP-LFS from same neurons is not possible.

2Statistical significance were stated in the text and figures using following abbreviations: n.s.: no statistical significance; *: p<.05; **: p<.01; ***: p<.005.

Exp Neurobiol 2022;31:361~375
© Exp Neurobiol