Comparison of demographic variables and scales (mean±SD)

Alcohol (n=23) Control (n=22) T p
Age 50.2±7.4 50.6±6.1 -0.185 0.854
Education (years) 13.7±2.8 13.8±3.1 -0.147 0.891
Smoking (pack/years) 25.1±9.9 20.3±25.2 0.846 0.402
AUDIT-K 28.5±10.6 11.0±6.9 6.548 <0.001
Brief-MAST 20.8±7.5 2.0±3.0 10.916 <0.001
LDH (drinks) 74955.9±85566.8 18295.9±17893.5 3.040 0.004
Sobriety period (months) 12.8±17 - - -

AUDIT-K, Korean version of the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test; Brief-MAST, Brief Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test; LDH, lifetime drinking history.

Exp Neurobiol 2023;32:362~369
© Exp Neurobiol