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Fig. 2. The activity of cortical PV neurons changes due to differential cell type activation in the TRN. (A) Schematic picture of the experimental procedures. The mouse brain image was adapted from the Allen Mouse Brain Atlas. After activating the PV or SOM-expressing neurons in the right TRN with blue light, cFos expression in layers 4/5 of the right primary sensory cortex corresponding to the hind limb region (S1HL L4/5) was investigated in the three coronal sections shown. Arrows in the coronal section (bregma -1.06 mm) show the known connections between the structures within the thalamocortical circuit. S1: primary somatosensory cortex, TC: thalamocortical nucleus. (B) Representative immunostaining results of each experimental group. White arrowheads indicate neurons that were stained with both cFos and PV. (C) The number of PV-positive neurons in the S1HL L4/5. (D) The number of cFos positive neurons in the S1HL L4/5. (E) The percentage of neurons that were positive for both PV and cFos overall the total number of cFos positive neurons in the S1HL L4/5. (C~E) All data are presented as meanĀ±SEM. Control N=16 mice, 48 brain slices, N=12 mice, 36 brain slices, N=10 mice, 30 brain slices. Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Mann-Whitney U test, was used to test statistical significance between groups, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.
Exp Neurobiol 2023;32:387~394
© Exp Neurobiol