Factors that can influence body temperature and tau phosphorylation

Condition Protocol Effect on tau phosphorylation References
Anesthesia C57BL/6 mice were anaesthetised with chloral hydrate, pentobarbital sodium or isoflurane Hyperphosphorylation at AT8 and MC6 14
JNPL3 mice were exposed acutely or chronically to isoflurane Hyperphosphorylation at AT8, CP13, MC6, Ser262 and PHF1 and persisted for a week after the last exposure for AT8 CP13, MC6 and Ser262 one week after the last exposure 15
C57BL/6J mice were anaesthetised with ether inhalation, sodium pentobarbital or propofol Hyperphosphorylation at Thr181, Ser199, Thr205, Thr212, Ser262, and Ser404 16,65
Sprague–Dawley rats were anaesthetized with isoflurane for 2h
hTau mice were Intraperitoneally injected with dexmetomidine
Hyperphosphorylation at Thr205 and Ser396
Hyperphosphorylation at AT8, CP13 and PHF1
Glucose metabolism C57BL/6NJcl mice were either starved for 3 days, injected with insulin or with deoxyglucose Hyperphosphorylation at Ser199, AT8, Thr231, Ser262, Ser396, Ser404 and Ser422 4
hTau mice were injected with either one high dose (HD) of STZ or 5 low doses (LD) leading to a marked or milder Type1 diabetes mellitus respectively. Hyperphosphorylation at AT8 and PHF1 for both HD and LD conditions, and Thr205 only for LD group 6
C57BL/6 mice were injected with STZ Hyperphosphorylation at pSer199, AT8, AT180, Ser262, Ser356, PHF1, and Ser422 40 days after injection 5
db/db diabetic mice Hyperphosphorylation at AT8, CP13 and PHF1 66
C57BL/6 mice were starved for two days Hyperphosphorylation at Ser199, AT8, Thr231, Ser262, Ser396, Ser413 and Ser422 3,67
C57BL/6J male mice were injected with insulin. Tau phosphorylation was reduced 15 min after the injection and followed by hyperphosphorylation at Ser199, Thr205, Thr212, Ser214, Thr217, Ser262, Ser396 and Ser404 7
Cold water stress Chinese Kunming mice were forced to swim in ice-cold water for 5 min Hyperphosphorylation at Ser396 68
C57BL/6N mice were immersed in ice-cold water for 5 min Hyperphosphorylation at Ser199, AT8, AT180 69
Physiological temperature changes Arctic ground or European squirrels were induced into hibernation (moved to a cold chamber and reduction of light duration) Hyperphosphorylation at AT270, AT8, Thr205, Ser214, AT100, AT180 Ser262, and Ser404 8,9
Sprague–Dawley rats were induced into synthetic torpor (injection of GABAA agonist muscimol once an hour for six consecutive times) Hyperphosphorylation at AT8 10
During natural sleep phase in C57BL/6N mice Hyperphosphorylation at AT8, CP13, PHF1, T205, AT180, AT270 11
Heat/cold exposure C57BL/6J and hTau mice were placed into a ventilated incubator at 42°C for 45 minutes
SH-SY5Y 3R-tau cells were exposed at 40°C for 24 hours
Dephosphorylation at AT8 and CP13, hyperphosphorylation at Tau1
Dephosphorylation at AT8, CP13 and PHF1
6- and 18-months C57BL/6N mice were exposed at 4°C for 24 hours Hyperphoshorylation of tau at CP13, AT180 and AT270 and more importantly in older mice 70
Drugs Intraperitoneal injection of midalozam (GABA agonist) Hyperphosphorylation at AT8, CP13, PHF1 and AT180 60
Intraperitoneal injection of DMSO in mice (4 ml/kg) Hyperphosphorylation at AT8, PHF, and AT180 63
Topic administration of 10% menthol in hTau mice Dephosphorylation at AT8 and PHF1, hyperphosphorylation at Tau1 13
Exp Neurobiol 2023;32:423~440 https://doi.org/10.5607/en23025
© Exp Neurobiol