Fig. 1. Brain vessel patterning is not impaired by ANKS1A deficiency in adult brains. (A) Whole brain X-gal staining of ANKS1A+/-(LacZ) mice at postnatal day 45. Ob, Olfactory bulb; Cx, Cortex; Cb, Cerebellum; Ht, hypothalamus; P, Pons; M, Medulla. (scale bars, 2 mm). The white arrows indicate X-gal-stained cerebral blood vessels. (B) Coronal sections of ANKS1A+/-(LacZ) brains were subjected to X-gal staining, followed by immunohistochemical staining with Collagen IV (scale bars, 100 μm). The white dotted boxes are enlarged in the right panels to show that the Col IV-positive vessels are matched with the X-gal-stained vessels in the high resolution image (right panel scale bars, 10 μm). (C) The cerebral cortex of 2 month-old mice was stained with Collagen IV, a blood vessel marker, and then immunofluorescence images were rendered into a vascular network image using Angiotool software (scale bars, 20 μm). (D) The data in panel C were quantified for the vessel patterning indices representing the and presented as means±SD (ANKS1A+/+, N=3 mice per group, n=16 sections; ANKS1A-/-, N=3 mice per group, n=25).
© Exp Neurobiol