Hierarchical clustering of closest odor pairs in each frequency band depending on categories of odors in each video

Video Condition Frequency band Count of closest odor pairs Cophenetic correlation X2-value
FO1 – FO2 FO1 – CO1 FO2 – CO1 Total
Flower Within group Delta 436 72 492 1,000 0.79 312.02***
Theta 718 25 257 1,000 0.79 746.61***
Alpha 0 1,000 0 1,000 0.95 2,000.03***
Beta 9 904 87 1,000 0.82 1,474.62***
Gamma 5 96 899 1,000 0.78 1,452.28***
Random sampling group Delta 311 357 332 1,000 0.82 3.18 (n.s)
Theta 349 304 347 1,000 0.81 3.88 (n.s)
Alpha 337 328 335 1,000 0.84 0.13 (n.s)
Beta 338 327 335 1,000 0.84 0.19 (n.s)
Gamma 334 334 332 1,000 0.89 0.01 (n.s)

The hierarchical clustering results were replicated 1,000 times, and the count of nearest odor pairs was tallied during these repetitions. The clustering count of the nearest odor pairs in the FV across the five frequency bands. A chi-square test was performed for this table. *p value<0.05, **p value<0.01, ***p value<0.001.

Exp Neurobiol 2024;33:238~250 https://doi.org/10.5607/en24020
© Exp Neurobiol