Fig. 1. Stimuli and experimental procedure. (a) In this experiment, two videos and four odors were utilized. There were three distinct groups based on the odors featured in the videos. "Group1": FO1 is in the FV, and CO1 is in the CV. "Group2": FO2 in the FV, CO2 in the CV. "Group3": CO1 is in the FV, FO1 is in the CV. (b) Procedures employed in this study. (c) The experimental procedure in the EEG recording test comprised three steps. The first step was a 10-second baseline during which participants acclimated to the experimental situation. The second step was the test, where one of the three odors was presented to participants for 5 seconds at the beginning of the videos, depending on the assigned groups. The final step was a 30-second rest before the subsequent round of the experiment.
© Exp Neurobiol