Diffusion MRI Connections in the Octopus Brain
Russell E. Jacobs*
Department of Physiology and Neuroscience, Zilkha Neurogenetics Institute, Keck School of Medicine of USC, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2821, USA
Correspondence to: *To whom correspondence should be addressed.
TEL: 1-323-865-1668, FAX: 1-626-585-1505
e-mail: jacobsr@usc.edu
Received: November 23, 2021; Revised: February 15, 2022; Accepted: February 18, 2022
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Using high angle resolution diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (HARDI) with fiber tractography analysis we map out a meso-scale connectome of the Octopus bimaculoides brain. The brain of this cephalopod has a qualitatively different organization than that of vertebrates, yet it exhibits complex behavior, an elaborate sensory system and high cognitive abilities. Over the last 60 years wide ranging and detailed studies of octopus brain anatomy have been undertaken, including classical histological sectioning/staining, electron microscopy and neuronal tract tracing with injected dyes. These studies have elucidated many neuronal connections within and among anatomical structures. Diffusion MRI based tractography utilizes a qualitatively different method of tracing connections within the brain and offers facile three-dimensional images of anatomy and connections that can be quantitatively analyzed. Twenty-five separate lobes of the brain were segmented in the 3D MR images of each of three samples, including all five sub-structures in the vertical lobe. These parcellations were used to assay fiber tracings between lobes. The connectivity matrix constructed from diffusion MRI data was largely in agreement with that assembled from earlier studies. The one major difference was that connections between the vertical lobe and more basal supra-esophageal structures present in the literature were not found by MRI. In all, 92 connections between the 25 different lobes were noted by diffusion MRI: 53 between supra-esophageal lobes and 26 between the optic lobes and other structures. These represent the beginnings of a mesoscale connectome of the octopus brain.
Keywords: Octopus, Cephalopod, Diffusion MRI, Connectome, Neuroimaging